Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Second To Last.

I honestly don't have the time to be writing this right now but if helps me to organize my thoughts and breathe a little then- I'll make time for it!

Today was the second to last walk-through for the house. Nate had to work so his Parent's and I went and met our realtor and the company reps out at the house at 8:30AM to go through every.single.inch. of the structure to pick out any and all flaws and things that need to be fixed. There were tons of little things, but all very minimal- like dings in the walls, nail pops, and the hot & cold reversed in the showers- ha. However, the sod/grass still wasn't down and this has kind of frustrated us for a while because most of our street (all new construction) got their grass put down before their drywall was even hung. So the builder footed their water bill and made sure their grass didn't die for a month or so while we wont end up getting that luxury. They would've put ours down today- 3 days before closing- but, we realized that during the time that we're gone for the wedding/honeymoon our grass would be left to sit un-waterd for about 2 weeks, and consequently it would just die. SO, we are waiting to have it put down until AFTER we return from Hawaii just to be safe. It's kind of annoying but it's better than dead grass and an expensive re-sodding endeavor. So in the mean time it will look like we live in the desert! Hooray! (not.)

I'm exhausted- Nate and I both are. It's an exciting and extremely fun time but man, oh, man is it exhausting! I keep envisioning myself laying face down on a pillow made of towel, on a beach chair, by the ocean, in the Hawaiian sun. The wedding is going to be wonderful, but relaxation is really going to be the payoff!

And before I pass out for the night- check out the flower girl baskets, the ring-bearer pillows, and one of the signs that our little 2 year old nephew is going to hold! (no kids will be left out!) Nate's Mom made them all. :)

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