Friday, June 4, 2010


Purchasing a house is seriously the most nerve wracking thing I've ever been a part of. Is it going to be worth it? Yes. It will all be worth it on Monday. If you remember, we were supposed to close today. TODAY. We would be spending our first night in the house tonight. But alas, mortgage companies wait until the last minute to do things and they came up with a reason to say, "MMMM... waaaait a minute. We don't know if we really want to give you this loan." over a minor detail that they just completely missed the entire time at no fault of our own! So for about a 24 hour span between Thursday and today we had no idea if we would completely lose our house. The house we had built, the house we picked the colors for and had made completely to our taste- on the lot that we picked, by the pond.. that we heard "sooo many people" wanted. The thought of losing all of our hard work and time was devastating. To get THIS FAR, the day before closing- and have one person decide that they didn't think we deserved our house. Just, didn't seem possible. Fortunately, we had many people going to bat for us (including Nate's bosses) with letters and good words- and we wrote our own plea. And it worked. We close on Monday. We had to reschedule all of the deliveries and installations for later dates.. but at this point.. I don't care. I just feel so blessed to have my home. I haven't cried once in the last 24 hours- I haven't had something happen to me like that where I didn't cry in so long. I cry over every.little.thing. But I can't cry over things that sort of paralyze me. But it's over now. :) Monday can't come soon enough.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Second To Last.

I honestly don't have the time to be writing this right now but if helps me to organize my thoughts and breathe a little then- I'll make time for it!

Today was the second to last walk-through for the house. Nate had to work so his Parent's and I went and met our realtor and the company reps out at the house at 8:30AM to go through every.single.inch. of the structure to pick out any and all flaws and things that need to be fixed. There were tons of little things, but all very minimal- like dings in the walls, nail pops, and the hot & cold reversed in the showers- ha. However, the sod/grass still wasn't down and this has kind of frustrated us for a while because most of our street (all new construction) got their grass put down before their drywall was even hung. So the builder footed their water bill and made sure their grass didn't die for a month or so while we wont end up getting that luxury. They would've put ours down today- 3 days before closing- but, we realized that during the time that we're gone for the wedding/honeymoon our grass would be left to sit un-waterd for about 2 weeks, and consequently it would just die. SO, we are waiting to have it put down until AFTER we return from Hawaii just to be safe. It's kind of annoying but it's better than dead grass and an expensive re-sodding endeavor. So in the mean time it will look like we live in the desert! Hooray! (not.)

I'm exhausted- Nate and I both are. It's an exciting and extremely fun time but man, oh, man is it exhausting! I keep envisioning myself laying face down on a pillow made of towel, on a beach chair, by the ocean, in the Hawaiian sun. The wedding is going to be wonderful, but relaxation is really going to be the payoff!

And before I pass out for the night- check out the flower girl baskets, the ring-bearer pillows, and one of the signs that our little 2 year old nephew is going to hold! (no kids will be left out!) Nate's Mom made them all. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happening. SO. FAST.

Oh HI. I know I've been super MIA lately- I'm so, so sorry!!! I bet you all are wondering what the heck is going on- that is if anyone actually still visits this little website! So, let me tell you what's been up! First things first- we close on our house THIS. COMING. FRIDAY... yeah, I'm totally serious. The last picture I posted here was pre-drywall. So I know I've really failed at updates. Good thing is, most all of you follow me through Facebook and/or Twitter so I don't think anyone has truly been left without a clue! But yeah, this Friday- I'm all like, "IS THIS REAL LIFE?"

We just purchased our dining room table/chairs tonight:

I'm super excited about it! Last weekend we purchased a refrigerator, washer, dryer, grill, and lawnmower! It seems absolutely insane to me that we are buying all of these things. It just still doesn't seem real. WE are HOME OWNERS. US.

And in a few more weeks we will be Husband & Wife, and a day later we will be in Hawaii. :) Ohhh bliss!

I think I will wait on a picture update for the house because, I think if I've waited this long I may as well wait and do it up right with a video tour of everything completely finished. :)

This weekend is going to be spent finalizing wedding details with my coordinator, putting programs together, and packing! I am getting my hair done tomorrow for the last time before the wedding. OH, yes- hilarious story about that. Nate's Mom and I go to the same salon out of town and we got a call today from said salon saying, "OH hey, yeah both of your hair stylists are GONE... yeah so you're appointments tomorrow.. yeahhh.. we don't know." AND I'm all, "EXCUSE ME? The girl who has been doing my hair for over a year and knows what I like is GONE on my last appointment before me wedding?!", and if I would've been the one to answer the phone I might've gone all bridezilla on someone but .. yeah. So we have appointments with some random person we don't know.. with the same person.. so it's going to take twice as long. Yada, yada. If my hair gets screwed up, someone's gettin' hurt! /End rant.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bridal Accessories! is my best friend right now! I just purchased THIS from Sew Unique Wedding Garters:

And I'm in the processes of having this customized a bit for my measurements by Archeress Arts:

I am beyond excited about this necklace!!! Now, what earrings and bracelet to go with? Hmm.

Here are a few other things I am drooling over on Etsy for the wedding made by Inspired By Marie:

A "Peacock Wood Burned Wedding Guestbook".

And a "Peacock Feather Wedding Signature Mat".

The prices are a bit on the steep side, but I think the detail in the artwork is definitely worth it! They're just beautiful. I guess we'll see wont we?

And of course I'll need something like this (by Designer Shindigs to go with the guest book!

I want it all! ... I need to do an update on the house soon! It is completely drywalled and looks completely different! So excited to share the pictures with you all!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Living Room Furniture!

We had our pre-drywall walk today and it went great! It was just a typical walk-through, explanation of light switches and outlets. We were able to ask questions.. that sort of thing. It already feels like home just because we've been out there so much! Everything is up to code and passed inspection so now it's time for drywall! We should have a closing date in late May, early June- if everything goes as planned. skjdhfkjhs.

After we left the house we grabbed a bite to eat at Steak & Shake and then headed over to Bed, Bath, & Beyond to add a few more things to our registry. So far Bed, Bath, & Beyond is my least favorite place we've registered .. out of the two, I guess. Haha. I'd like to register at JC Penny's too just because it's another place in my home town that people can go to buy gifts.

Annndd *drum roll* .. we ended up at Value City Furniture a bit after that. After much searching for a living room set that would make me faint with happiness- we found it!

Here are a few stock images from the website:

Couch- that microfiber suede material. This is by far the comfiest one that I've sat on, and I LOVE all of the pillows.

And this CHAIR. I can't explain the awesomeness that is this chair. It is so plushy and wonderful- and it spins/swivels around. I threw myself into it dramatically around 5 seconds after laying eyes on it and began hugging a pillow and rambling about how I had to have it. So, there you go. I pick out furniture like a 5 year old picks out a stuffed animal.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pre-Drywall Walk Tomorrow!

We have our "pre-drywall walk" tomorrow at 3pm! This picture is from today. This is the first time we've seen it with a driveway and side walk! It's just getting more and more real every time we drive out there to see it.

More updates soon!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bricks, Shingles, & Windows

They're up/on!

So, I think I'm sort of like a Mother-To-Be about this whole house thing. It's all I can talk about and I'm afraid everyone may be a little sick of me at this point. ;) It's just insane to me how fast this whole process has been moving along the past few weeks, so every time there is a new development- I MUST SHOW YOU. And even if no one is reading this, I will love looking back at it.

(And just to clear this up- I love hearing Mothers-To-Be ramble about their protruding bellies so maybe (hopefully) other people aren't annoyed by my house-baby ramblings. lol.) OH and be sure to keep up with my Flickr (here) if you want to see other pictures or the descriptions that I post. I don't usually post them all here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Take A Tour: Vlog! :)

There has been a lot of progress on the house! Take a look! =)

Building Our Home from Stephanie Lynn on Vimeo.

And, our first kiss in our living room. ;)

We put the wedding invitations together and will be mailing them out by the end of the week! We've also started the cleaning and packing process. I have taken pictures of pretty much everything we've done and will flood you with them soon enough. I'm back in the blogging mood and it feels good. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bridal Shower Thank Yous!

Finally found the perfect "Thank You" notes at Target. =) *stares at the box* Do you think that they'll write and send themselves? ;)

Just kidding! I'm excited to let each and every person who bought us a present know how much it means to me (and Nate)! Speaking of Target, they have some things that they didn't have when we were in to do the registry and we need to put some more things on! Can't wait to scan some more home goodies. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Building The House

I'm not sure what I last updated with on the progress of the house so I thought I would share a few photos that we've taken out at the site! The last visit we made was on Sunday afternoon and it was absolutely beautiful! We walked out in our "backyard" and went down to the pond that's about 3 minutes walking distance from our lot. It looks like they're just about to pour the foundation- they've done a lot to the land but since we are not construction workers we're not exactly sure what has actually been done. There are little "trenches" .. for plumbing and such? Hah... yeaahh.

Looking out into our future backyard..

Looking toward the street and our future across the street neighbor's homes.

Nate trudging through the dirt. (my shoes were real sad after a few minutes of walking out here!)

This is "our pond". I envision many Summer days spent beside this pond. :)
**I took this picture through the lense of my sunglasses! Cheap photography tricks, yall. ;)

Here is a lovely picture taken by the pond. A reminder that Spring is here!

..and the same flower in a different view!

Apparently this area between our back yard and the pond used to be a corn field!

I could just lay here all day and stare at the clouds passing by!

And lastly, I love the lines in this one....

And there you have it. :) I will keep you posted on the progress! I'm excited to take pictures of every stage. It will be neat to look back and see what used to be just a piece of dirt and how it has transformed into our home. <3

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bridal Shower Recap

Right so, I wanted to type up this whole blog about my amazing Bridal Shower- and the thing is- it was amazing. But I can't really put it into words! Because if I do it goes something like this- "OMG, it was SO GREAT. Friends! TEA! PRESENTS. asjdlkkajsd. PRESENTS AND FRIENDS AND TEA. And PINK. And.. flowers! PRETTY flowers!!! ... and so many presents. AND so much fun! OOohhhhhhh... perfect!" Yeah. That's what this day looks like in my head and I wont subject you to that so just look at the pictures, kay?

The overall Tea Party set-up!

Would you like some noms? (I had to say "noms" because apparently I say that word a lot and it makes people laugh.)

My Mom & I- we don't look alike at ALL do we?

Tea time up front!

The "littlest" tea party going on in the corner! <3

My soon to be Sister-in-Law, Erin (party planner extraordinaire) playing with my Niece Bella! Love her tutu!

The daunting present corner!

Playing "The Price Is Right" with the gals! They had to figure out how much my basket of stuff was worth!

OH look how lovingly I am staring into the handheld mixer's eyes!

These salt & pepper squeezey things rock my face off! They're magnets and you SQUEEZE them instead of turning them like normal salt & pepper grinders.

My kind of cooking- put it in and WALK AWAY. ;)

SO excited about this rice cooker and vegetable steamer! MMMM!

Embroidered oven mits and towels! <3 LOL at some of my friends wondering why someone would embroider my current initial onto my wedding present. (My initial isn't changing, HAH. The first three letters aren't even changing!)

And one last present picture. There are a million, thanks to Ashley!

Wait I lied - I can't forget the SPOONTULA!

My little Ballerina!

My beautiful cake made by my other soon to be Sister-in-Law, Kristi!

My two wonderful girls, Tabitha & Ashley!

More pretty-ness~

Mom & I!

Self portrait!


A few boys that snuck into the party! (Nate and my soon to be Father-in-Law!)

And lastly- all of my beautiful girls! Love, love, love!