Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our Story: Part 1

Falling in love is usually pretty predictable in the sense that you'll most likely meet someone near or around where your every day life takes place. I mean, generally that's how it usually happens, right? School, work, mall, movies.. family members who mean really well. ;) That's just how people meet- especially in a small town like mine. The chance that I would marry someone I (or my family) had known or known of most of my life was pretty high.

But then- I met Ashley. Now, this is the deceiving part of the story where it almost sounds like I'm about to tell you that I'm marrying someone named Ashley. But don't worry (even though there are guys with that name!), I'm not. She's just the first piece of the puzzle! This is some much needed backstory, so bare with me! I met Ashley on vacation in Sarasota when we were about twelve. Twelve or thirteen? It honestly seems like a lifetime ago. I (obviously) lived in Florida with my Mom and that year was the first real vacation that my Mom and I ever took. So we went to our favorite place- the beach! It just so happened that Ashley and her parents vacationed to that beach for a week or two once a year and we all ended up at the same hotel! Now, if it had been up to me I probably would've never spoken to Ashley. I am naturally shy and anxious. I stutter when I talk to people I don't know well and make a fool of myself. Luckily for me, when Ashley noticed a snotty little blonde girl in her own world floating around on a raft trying to do the impossible (get a tan)- she decided I looked friendly, swam up, and asked my name. I don't remember much about that day- just that I was really impressed with her ability to swim underwater with her glasses on without losing them. LOL. We were inseparable after that. So when vacation was over and it was time for my Mom and I to leave we exchanged emails and AIM names and continued our friendship online. We talked constantly online and on the phone like normal best friends, and then we'd meet at our beach every year. It was always bittersweet and I would tell her all the time that I was going to move to Kentucky one day!

In June of 2005 my Mom and my Step-Dad got married on the beach where Ashley and I met. Ashley and I conjured up a plan where we decided that they needed to have their honeymoon time and they would HAVE to let me go home with her to Kentucky for part of the Summer. And it worked! ;) It worked out really well actually, and we had a great time! But it was pretty much over in a snap and back to Florida I went on my very first plane ride, all by myself! Little did I know that I would be returning to Kentucky and seeing her again before I'd be seeing her again at the beach!

Because of who? WHO? I wonder!!! And for Part 2 I will tell you how we all met! .. this would be more fun if everyone didn't already know this story for the most part but, hey, I'm having fun. I'm just too tired to write it all at once! Stay tuned. It's like watching a re-run.. it's still enjoyable.


  1. Loving how this story is going. I of course already know the jist of it but I love hearing the details and the time line. Looking forward to part two!

  2. you.. are in the freezer! hahah. i've seen that picture before & always thought it was funny. :)

    i know most of your love story but it's nice hearing it again - all of it! :) you & nate are so cute & sweet together. i can't wait until you're married - you're going to have a long, fun life together. <3

  3. Aweee, thank you Jordan! And I love people's reaction to us being in the freezer! LOL. It's even funnier now that I live here (I didn't then) when I'm in Target shopping, "Hmm.. I've been in this freezer.."
