Sunday, January 31, 2010

In Ten Minutes

At 1:30PM- in ten minutes - we will be picked up by our Real Estate Agent to go look at a few houses we've picked out and a few that she's picked! I can honestly tell you that this is somewhere near the top of my list in the most exciting things I've ever gotten to do that will change and shape my life. Yay!!!


  1. *dances* i'm seriously so, so excited for you guys!!!! i can't wait to see what you like/don't like & most importantly, which one you pick!! :D

    i assume you're staying in the lex area then?

  2. I know exactly how you feel! That's how I felt when Neil and I started looking for houses in Clarksville. Of course things turned out differently :P but only for the the better! It just wasn't our time and that doesn't upset me, although it was a ton of fun. It'll be even more fun and more exciting when it really IS our time. I hope it's your time as well :) Above all tho, have fun!
